The NZTS recently had an excellent presentation from Priscilla Page on the key changes to the health and safety regulations for tunnelling operations.
The Health and Safety at Work (Mining Operations and Quarrying Operations) Regulations 2016 (the Regulations) are changing to clarify parts of the Regulations for mining and tunnelling operations, and make the Regulations proportionate with the type and size of operation.
There are also changes to make quarries and alluvial mines safer by adding health and safety requirements that align with mining and tunnelling operations.
Priscilla is the Team Leader Mining & Tunnels in the WorkSafe HHU
Extractives team. She joined WorkSafe as Specialist Health and Safety Inspector
in September 2014. She has 23 years’ experience in the mining industry in South
Africa, Australia & New Zealand as a Geologist, Geotechnical Engineer and
Mines Inspector. Priscilla holds a Masters in Mining Engineering (Mine
Geomechanics), a Geology Honours degree and a Site Senior Executive Certificate
of Competence.